Monday, November 14, 2005


The December 2005 issue of Vanity Fair has an entertaining piece entitled APOCALYPSE SOON! It contains considerable detail about the Rapture. I was surprised to find that those flying faithful who would be ascending during the Rapture, would be doing so in the buff. Clothes and worldly possessions would drop to the ground. Can you imagine looking up into the sky and seeing Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell dangling over your head naked?
I believe I shall have to give the Apocalypse and the Rapture some additional thought and later comment. There seem to be some lurking problems with the scenario envisioned by the faithful. Problems I need to think about and address.
I am enjoying your thoughts on the Rapture. As I commented to your Most Personal Mate, I don't think I know ANYONE who would be elevated up without their clothes. We'd all get to run out and get the jewels and watches and other dropping items, before Hallyburton got them all!
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