Monday, March 06, 2006

The Rebounding of Dr. Bookworm

This morning's final implantation of Dr. Bookworm's transmogrification unit went off without a hitch .... from my perspective. She came out of surgery all fired up to get home and have a nice, big breakfast laid on her ... which is what happened. Now, at 1:00 PM, she's busy sleeping off the remains of the day's happy juice. To all the other remote controls we have cluttering up our flat surfaces, we now add one more .... the remote control to operate Dr. Bookworm.

She is extremely gratified to have all this unpleasantness behind her (pun intended) and is ready to call FINIS! to the project.

We were both of us amazed and embarrassed at the Shrub's hackneyed remarks in Pakistan. Wanted to make the warding off sign of the cross and cry out, "Get Thee behind me Drivel!"

Have a good week everyone!

PHOTOGRAPHIC SCAN: A half a page from one of Bookworm's Collage Journals.
Gentle hugs to Dr. Bookworm and to you, Fossilguy. Sometimes being the patient-er is as difficult and as exhausting as being the patient-ee. I know of which I speak -- Chester had another round of seizures last night and Ann stayed home with him today and I came home early to catch up on some very lost sleep last night -- we are jealous of Bookworm's remote control -- it would be nice to turn Chester off for a good night's sleep after his seizure battles..

Much love,
Now you can really push her buttons.

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