Saturday, November 25, 2006
Those Thanksgiving Pix
It took a lot of 'engineering' to get ten people seated in our small dining room, but seat them we did .... luckily no one had to make a sudden trip to the bathroom.
The 'turkey chef' looking awfully smug for having overcooked the white meat. Better that than raw though.
Food and drink, food and drink, food and drink....
....and nobody went back for seconds!
On the left, ANN, baker of cat-stomped apple pie and the flying pumpkin pie .... all new, experimental recipes.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Esher-esque Election Night
I must say that yesterday's election returns were the most enjoyable I've watched for some good long time. A night when things just kept getting better and better as the wave moved across the country. We here in Fossil Acres were somewhat nonplused when Mr. Ford did not win in Tennessee. He seemed like a very bright and shining guy that could have made any State proud. I suspect we were not viewing the tail-end of his political life.
And what a Special Bonus this morning to have Rumsfield bite the dust. Mortally wounded in the political wars. But now maybe he will have more time to go hunting with Dick Cheney.
And closer to home, Little Billy Eichmeyer won his ticket back to the State Legislature despite the Kitsap Sun's endorsement of his opposition. Bill and I go back a long way. He remembers me as one of the 'big kids' who ran away from him in the dark of a Cascade Mountain campground, crying out "Run, Bill, it's a BEAR!" Perhaps I was trying to impress his big sister.
Two things I wish the news would tell me here at noon the day after: 1) how is Darcie Burner doing ..... and 2) how did the voter turnout compare with other mid-term elections?