Saturday, January 28, 2006

Another Coyote Tail.....


Ages ago, when the Earth was young, Wind lived in a log house on the High Peak of Saddle Mountains. In those days the mountains were covered by a vast forest and, with the help of his seven grandsons, Wind built himself a magnificent house. The remains of his home, although turned to stone and scattered about by the passing centuries, are still in evidence near the peak.

At times these seven grandsons were a great worry to Wind. If he failed to keep them busy from dawn to dusk, they would invariably wander off and get into trouble. One of their favorite games was to creep down the mountainside to the grassland valley below and then run howling across the valley to the village of the Muskrat Tribe, where they would proceed to blow down everything in sight. These antics did not, by any stretch of the imagination, meet with the approval of the Muskrats. Finally in despair, the Chief of the tribe asked Coyote to speak to the Wind about these youngster's conduct.

Obliging his Muskrat friend, Coyote went directly to the mountain and held council with Wind. The old man was saddened by the mischief his grandsons had committed. He called them before the council fire and said:

"I have given Coyote my word that you shall disturb the Muskrats no more. Hear well, my little sons! For if you disobey, it shall be He, not I, who will pass punishment on you."

The grandsons did not obey. Instead they grew very angry with Coyote for spoiling their fun. They followed him back to the Muskrat village. When he sat down to eat at the Chief's fire, they formed a howling gale and ran through the camp, blowing over teepees and raising great clouds of dust. One of the embers that flew up out of the Chief's fire, lit on Coyote's tail and scorched his beautiful fur.

Enraged, Coyote leaped high into the sky and, grasping the seven brothers between the palms of his hands, sent them spinning like tops across the prairie lands to the east.

Perhaps, if you were to look out your window right now, you might see one or more of these lads whirling across the fields, raising plumes of dust as they go.

....Royal City Capsule; Royal City, WA; Column #56.
.............Dustdevil Image lifted from Google Images.
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