Saturday, March 25, 2006

They don't stay this way.....

This is Allie at about the time we began taking him to speech therapy. That was four years ago and he had mastery of two words: NO! & MORE! Now he has a boundless vocabulary and we can understand most of what he says. Sometimes it takes a repetition or two.

Like the word "scay'-owes". Yesterday morning he came up to me (I was working at the computer) and pulling the neckline of his t-shirt down, said "Grampa, you see any scayowes?"
After a couple requested repeats of the question, I finally took another tack and asked "Why would I see any scayowes there?"
"Cuz I'm turning into a fish."
"Ah! A fish. And you want to know if I see any scales beginning to show?"
"Yah ... well ... I think I see a few starting to pop out. And why are you turning into a fish?"
"A super hero fish. And you're my sidekick. I give you Piranha Powers!"
"Okay ... and what powers are those?"
"Biting powers! You bite the evil guys."
Then Grandma Bookworm comes into the room and he gets in a big dither and ushers her right back out and shuts the door,
"Why you treating Grandma like that?"
"It's a secret."
"What's a secret?"
"I'm turning into a fish!"

I send him on his way so I can finish my tasks ... whatever they were ... and ten minutes later he's back ... presenting his neck to me as though I were Count Dracula and he was my breakfast.
"Now what do you want, Al?"
"You see any gills?"
"Well ... yah, I think I see where they're trying to break through. How you going to go to school today if you turn into a fish?"
"When the schoolbus comes I turn back into a human."
Then he leaves the room, breathing in long, loud gasps .... apparently breathing through his new gills.

As he's going out the door with his other grandma that evening, I hear him say to her, "I give you Crocodile Powers!"

He didn't take away my Piranha Powers, so I guess I still have them. I live to bite the evil guys! "George, Dick, Rummy ... line up here!"

Austin (my ex's deaf grandson) used to leave off certain verbs. "Where GG?" he'd ask when looking for me. "What doing?" always followed when he found me.

This was before he knew sign language, which is kind of interesting because in sign that's how you'd say it, "What doing?"

Can I get some of those powers? I gotta a few evils I'd like to bit as well!
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