Friday, February 17, 2006


Today's a teacher's day (sans kids) then the weekend then Monday's a Day for Presidents and as a RESULT Allie and Grandpa get a four-day vacation from each other. Kind of like the Walrus and the Carpenter going their separate ways.....

You can tell by the photo that we need a break from each other (?).
"Kind of like the Walrus and the Carpenter..."
That is so sweet.
You are a lovely man, fossilgut.

Let me be the second to second that. You ARE a lovely man, fossilgoy. Your love and care for your grandson paints my world a whole different color. And I love your following blog, as well.
Hmmmm ... that's one vote for 'fossilgut' and one vote for 'fossilgoy'.....
I guess it all depends on if you're feeling fullish or Jewish...gut or goy!

Great photo, too! It kind of says it all about your relationship!
Can one be both?
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