Friday, March 30, 2007

Promises, Promises!

Needless to say, I have NOT heard a peep out of my biopsy surgeon, telephonic or otherwise. I would write it off as his being too busy at his profession, saving lives, etc., EXCEPT for the fact that Otis has not called me either. And Otis is not in the business of saving lives. Or is he?

Wednesday morning I called this Super Fine Service Lawn Maintainance Company to arrange for having them take over my mowing and edging duties. The lady that answered allowed as how Otis was out at the dump with his pickup, but she would have him phone me when he returned. She may also have slipped in the phrase "right now he's busy with his day job." I didn't want to hear that so my mind tried - unsuccessfully - to block it out.

Maybe Otis has a day job as a thorasic surgeon? I'm sure I don't know, but there are the beginnings of a pattern forming here. Both Dr. Adams and Otis would do well to take heed of that line of poetry ---

I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep....

Otis has gone for 52 hours without returning my call. Earlier this morning I called Rodgers Landscaping & Lawns. That lady promised that her representative would phone me this afternoon. So now its a race to the finish line between Otis of Super Fine and the unnamed gentleman from Rodgers Landscaping. In the meanwhile, I have the rattiest looking lawn and yard in the immediate neighborhood. And no specific diagnosis for my cancer.

We've thought of naming our new puppy Otis, but perhaps James would be more fitting.

I hope word comes soon for you, dear friend. It often helps to have a map when one is headed on a journey such as yours.
In this race, the surgeon may actually win...
lawn guys are notorious for their redefinitions of time.
(as in - 'we'll return your call' basically means your lawn will mow itself before we dial your number).
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