Saturday, March 24, 2007


Daughter Erin drove up from Vancouver, WA, to stand vigil with Kay during my biopsy way back there on Tuesday. Jessica had to stay home with friends as she had a concert that night .... and is holding down First Chair for clarinet. Erin was sporting an attractive 'bobbed' hair style as she had just donated ten inches of hair to a cancer-related charity (at least I think that was what it was). It is always best to set aside an occasional monent to brag about children and grandchildren.

I haven't posted any Allie stories recently. He is being somewhat cautious about talking with me. He does not wish to hear anything about any 'wrongness' going on with me. So he's turned more of his attention toward his grandmother (Bookworm). Yesterday afternoon he and I did develop our version of a current kid's movie ad playing on TV (where the orange T-Rex is trying to get at the little boy standing in a room corner). I do the evil master's line "Why haven't you eaten the boy?" and Allie tucks his elbows in and drops his voice way down low and answers "Because my head is big and my arms are little."

Daughter Kelly will be coming tomorrow and staying a couple of days. I look forward to that.

A great number of people (with a slightly higher fame level than I) have written books about their stuggles with cancer. So far I have not detected anything interesting going on in that regard. Unless, of course, I were to write a book titled 'Lost & Gone Forever in a Vast Jungle of Medical Limbo'.

I do not expect I'll be writing a book. While at the ocean, I was looking out the dining area picture window and thinking, This may be the last time I see this view and the ocean. I should be seeing things with new eyes. Richer colors. Hidden meanings peeping out.

Well -- that was a total wash. Nothing looked any different than it ever had. Which leads me to suspect that even cancer autobiographers get a tad bit carried away with their literary license.

But the picture of Jessica has "hidden meanings peeping out" don't ya think?

Tell Allie I LOVE that part of the ad, too. Those moments are richer colors...thanks for sharing them.

Love ya, NA
I think some people find that their eyes/minds/hearts are opened by cancer...
but you -
of the fine mind,
with the great red door of your heart always open to hidden meanings,
and your big-sky eyes already seeing things as new each day -
you did not need a wake-up call...
you have always been awake.

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