Monday, April 16, 2007


Son Dave came Sunday afternoon to visit his poor ailing father. You can see above how serious we can be when we have to be. It's not everyday when a big, strong son shows up in a pickup truck. After giving him twenty minutes to 'settle in', he and I departed for Fred Meyer to pick up a set of deck furniture that Bookworm and I had spotted there on Saturday. And - lucky me - the price had dropped $70 overnight. Dave and I spent the afternoon on the deck, in the sporadic sunshine, happily doing 'some assembly required', chatting, and drinking Black Obsidian Stout. When we were done, the deck looked a little smaller than it had. Next I had him replace the two burned out light bulbs in the garage ... which I always did from my extension ladder .... but which Dave (at 6' - 3") easily did off my stepladder. This morning (day 2) he loaded all the packaging debris from the furniture, all the scrap wood from the deck project, and a few other junk items into his truck and we took a ride out to the dump (now called a Transfer Station). On the way home from there, we stopped at Home Depot and got six 18" square brick-like paving blocks to make a solid landing at the bottom of the deck's steps to the backyard grass. That was about maximal use of a son and his truck for a one-day visit.

And it still left us with plenty of time to lolly-gag around and gossip and ham it up a bit to test out Bookworm's photography skills. Through my powers of observation, I have discerned that many grown children do not tend to exhibit a lot of physical affection for their parents. My three are not that way. They have all been here over the past two weeks and they all prefer to spend serious time cuddled up against their Papa on the couch. And I seriously love and appreciate that.

Dave also managed to spend a good amount of time playing with Allie and building things with Al's magnet toys. He so won the lad over that, for most of the day, Allie was starting all his sentences with "Uncle David....".

Isn't it great that your kids like to cuddle on the couch with their old Dad? That's a true solid gold benefit for a Dad who really loves them and his solid gold himself.
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