Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Diagnosis - Finally!

I (especially) am sorry to have to report that the cancer found in my biopsy of two weeks ago is mesothelioma, the asbestos related cancer type. The sugeon suggested that it might be more advanced than I would have thought. I suppose that is a roundabout way of saying 'It's got a good grip on you, fellow.' There is no cure, but there may be treatments that can slow down its advance. He said treatment would not make me better (i.e., as regards the shortness of breath that has slowed me in my tracks).

Next step is to see an oncologist and find out what the treatment options might be. That is scheduled for the 9th. In the meantime, I remain the same old Jim you've always known .... just moving around a lot less and a lot slower.

Daughter Kelly is here for a few days and yesterday she rose above the Curse of Otis and borrowed a neighbor's lawnmower and laboriously chewed up the hay field that was thriving in my yard.
Dear Fossil Gut -

To respond to your news, I must resort to stealing a few words from Anne Frank: "I won't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains."

Thinking of you ("the same old Jim I've always known"), in all your beauty....

with much love.

I'm sorry to hear it's mesothelioma. It's frustrating that your job ended up making you sick.

It's good that it can be managed, however. I second Brown Shoes's comment. ;o)
Shit, I say, shit. (Do I sound like my mother?)

A friend said to me the other day that it feels like the world is spinning so fast we have to hold at 45 degree angles. I agreed and then thought, at least we're holding on.

Sending you love and kisses and a tight grip!
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