Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Drear, Drear, Bread and Beer!

I'm in total agreement with my circle of local blogging friends .... this bloody rain should cease to fall ... unless, of course, this is the End of Days, but for that I was expecting fire, not yet one more flood. Is there confusion at the Throne of Power?
Yes, fire. I would rather go to hell flames. flames, that is.

But as Ann reminds least it's February.

Do we have a NW groundhog?
To turn to the other cheek,here in Papalote it's drizzled(maybe)twice in the last three months.
"Is there confusion at the Throne of Power?"

Really - need you ask?
Apparently, in answer to noapologies above question, we have a Razor Clam that is supposed to see, or not see, its shadow. I am questioning how a razor clam could possibly cast a shadow, let alone hunch itself high enough to see, or not see, it!
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