Monday, February 13, 2006

Oh, PLEASE, not to shoot me Mr. Big Important Man!

Actually, I think the Veep is secretly the leader cum laudy of the Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight. I believe it is behooven on the Shrub to show America that he has confidence in his running (and shooting) mate by going elk hunting with him next weekend. Sans Secret Service. Just George and Dick, armed to the teeth, on one of those 'coming of age' adventures that so often find their way onto the Big Screen.

On a brighter note, I went to my favorite eye surgeon (retinal) this morning and he surprised me with the news that my vision was skidding in that ol' left eye an' he whipped out his steroid needle and stuck it in my eyeball. It never ceases to amaze me how much structural violation an eyeball can absorb and still go whistling along in its original round shape and gathering in the visions.

So now I have hundreds of black spots floating around in my vision as they deliver curative balm to the poor swollen area of my retina and ... AND ... renewed hope that it will stabilize, get well, and be done with it. I mean to tell you my current vision is such that if I came under shotgun attack by a Heart Patient in High Office, I would be at a disadvantage when it came to shooting back.

Just to play with scenarios here, what if? What if that Millionaire Lawyer had somehow maintained consciousness and had bounced to his feet and returned fire? Would the Secret Service have finished the bungled job of taking the guy out? Would we have had to wait for 24 hours to hear about that? NOT! The gentleman's survival caused the time problem. Did anyone call the local CSI team?

Photo taken 02/12/06 at Waterfront Park, Silverdale, WA
If Cheney had to shoot someone, why couldn't it have been Bush?
Just wondering.

Wonder is good.

I wonder if the Secret Service would allow George to be involved in hunting parties using live ammo(?). I would think not.
think not
is bad.
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