Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I AM the Decider!

Wee Georgie has finally burst from the closet and admitted to you, to me, and to the world, that he is the Decider. No bones about it, he IS the Decider. THE Decider, not one of the deciders, but THE Decider. A vociferous claim to one-man-only status as Decider-in-Chief. Glad that is finally settled once and for all, nailed down and ready for UPS pick-up.

As soon as I saw the clip on the news, I was reminded of that song from my early adulthood, "Oh, ho, ho, ho, I am the great pretender.....". Cum decider. Now he can claim credit where credit is due:

"I decided to lauch a meaningless war against Iraq."
"I decided to lie my butt off to the American people about the potential nuclear threat of Iraq."
"I decided that Colin Powell should go to the United Nations and repeat my lies on the world stage."
"I decided to have information leaked that would expose one of my CIA agents in order to show her husband where the bear shit in the bullrushes." "I decided that ol' Scotter should take the fall for my leakage."
"I decided to send Dick off on a hunting trip to create a diversion."
"I decided that Rummy should underman the Iraq invasion forces."
"I decided to declare VICTORY at the beginning of the war, rather than at the end."

Decisions, decisions, decisions.......
What fun the political comics will have with this!

For me, it ranks up there with the news that a Vice Principal in Eastern Washington was demoted for driving recklessly with kids in the car. I ask you, what does demotion mean when you are a Vice Principal? Do you become a teacher? Yikes!
I had the same kind of reaction to that line. It reminded me so much of kindergarteners "No, I'm the decider!" with snot running down his nose, clinging desparately to his toy, two seconds away from throwing himself onto the carpet of the oval office and throwing an all out tantrum, legs flailing, sweaty, redfaced "I'm the decider, I'm the decider!!"
Poor Georgie...
I'm sure he was coached out of saying "I am the deciderer." Moron. 'Nuff said.
I'm preaching to the choir here, aren't I ... Good point, zng. That's four words in a row without a grammatical error -- or a syllabic over-abundance. Makes you wonder what might be coming next.
Decidability? Decidamaker? Decisioner?

You can just stop after the first syllable, Brown Shoes...
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