Sunday, May 07, 2006

So how's the diet going, you ask?

Okay, so you didn't ask. I can hardly imagine anything so uninteresting as another person's diet. Unless, of course, it was on TV and incorporated a race for a million dollars. I confess to having got caught up in that in the past.

The inexorible upward creep of weight - my weight, to be precise - has become a real shackle when it comes to enjoying things like the ocean beach trips. A touch of asbestos in the lungs, forty-eight years of serious smoking, and forty unnecessary mid-line pounds all join ranks and work to prevent me from taking long walks on the sand and other pleasureable forms of extended exercise.

So I came home from the annual Ocean Eat Out looking like FossilGuy before (see photo below) ... at 221.6 pounds. Bookworm and I started out on an "eat half" diet as soon as we got home ... or maybe a day or two later. The diet was conceived as eating half portions of the things we normally eat ... but (for me) has evolved into a diet of 1/2 cans of soups and/or chili, 80 calorie tubs of flavored yogurt, and most suppers of low cal Santa Fe Rice and Beans on a bulky bed of shredded lettuce. With medium hot salsa added. An apple or a 100 calories snack pack of Pringles - or both - to ease me through TV Primetime.

It is working. Slow, but sure. Creeping in a downward arc. Between six and seven weeks have passed since I began this. This morning I weighed in at 205.8 pounds .... just shy of a sixteen pound loss. That's a little over two pounds a week. See FossilGuy after below. Okay, not spectacular yet but headed in the right direction.

I thank you for your attention, if attentive you have been. If not, I totally understand why not. This is painfully boring stuff. But enduring pain often builds character. Or serial killers.
Good going, Fossil Guy! You look great! 16 pounds is, dare I say, substantial.

Keep up the half work!
"But enduring pain often builds character. Or serial killers."
Ha ha ha... that shouldn't be as funny as it is.
You look very well FG - now can you please do something about our administration?

thank you.

The Half-Diet sounds like the smartest way yet to lose some extras! I think you should write a book, but then I've always thought you should write a book!
Old Fossil, there is no need to reduce the amount you eat to lose weight. Go buy Dr Fuhrman's Eat to Live, book, and do what it says. I am doing it, but only partially. I have lost maybe 10 lbs in 8 weeks. But I do it mostly because I think it is healthier eating, I am not wanting to lose much more. I am down to 165 now, from about 205 when I retired 2+ years ago. It is not about how much you eat, or counting calories. just what you eat.

I also recommend "The China Study" as a good read about nutrition and diet.

I am also walking about 3 miles a day with a friend. Not sure how much that might help, but it makes me feel better.
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