Thursday, April 27, 2006

A Study in Red

What is it about Iraq that holds this fatal attraction for President George? What goes on in that dark cavern behind his eyes? What red thoughts of blood seeping into the sand?

What's going on in there?

What is it about a crisis that freezes him like a deer in the headlights? What goes on behind those wide open, frightened eyes? What red thoughts of planes exploding into buildings?

What's going on in there?

What is it about being caught in a lie that turns him into a banty rooster filled with crowing? What goes on behind those defiant eyes? What red plans for clouding the truth?

What's going on in there?

What is it about being President that turns him into a bombastic, power mad freak? What goes on behind those shifting, darting eyes? What red mushroom of death is he seeing?

What's going on in there?


Will someone tell that klutz that his body language is continually ratting him out?
My thanks to Tom Waits for inspiring this post.
Born-again. The crux of the matter.

That's why our founding fathers were adamant about separation of church and state. Bush is having his Christian version of jihad.

And his body language -- I remember worrying myself into a bona fide depression over the results of the '04 election. I had truly believed that there was no way our country was not going to rectify their mistake of the first election. And my perceptions of the American voting public were shattered. Every single time that man opens his mouth, and sniggers and glances around nervously, I wonder at a populous which could find this person friendly and genuine. Who are they kidding? The dude freaks me out. And I am most definitely NOT having him over for dinner in MY house.

Of course, I am watching with sweet expectation in my battered heart to see if (when) Karl Rove will be indicted. That happens and we really may be one step closer to impeachment. Hope springs eternal.
Please let Karl Rove be indicted. Please of please of please. I'm with you on this, znglass. The stupid pills are starting to catch up with George.
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