Saturday, June 03, 2006


Took the new camera over to Seattle this morning and put it through its paces on a walk from the ferry terminal up First Ave. to the market and then back along the waterfront......

My one big problem with the camera is that I can not hardly see the display screen when I'm out-of-doors. But I sucked it up and made some good shots anyway.......

Also used the occasion as an excuse to break my diet ... to the tune of a double Whopper with cheese and a chocolate milk shake.......

The Whopper tasted like cardboard, but (MAN!) that milk shake was good!

The pics are excellent, I love the first black and white. Wow. You know, we just aren't the same as we once were. Last night I was w the Unitarian Women at Fort Warden and I recalled that, years ago, ALL the women danced and danced and danced. Last night, four or five danced and danced and danced. No, they wee not especially young, but they were in especially good shape. The rest of us sat around with wine and Cheetos and traded war stories.
Dr. Bookworm
I can only get the Aquaria picture. It is wonderful and as you say this person should be illustrating kid's books and maybe he/she is. Bookworm is right. We aren't the same. I can't write a paragraph anymore with a ball point pen without my hand hurting lots! I could probably dance but not all night! When I garden my back aches after a short time and I have to stand up and walk around to make it feel better. When I vacuum, for God's sake, I get a back ache! Must have been the wine, cheetos and war stories that made the stay at the Retreat better....this time.
You ate a Whopper?! Ick!!! I prefer a Jack in the Box burger. At least it has a whole piece of lettuce. I would die for a milk shake, but I would die.
'Mom' -- Yeah, Whoppers are disgusting with their total blandness. I much prefer a Burger King burger, but had to settle for what was immediately at hand as I was hurrying to catch the ferry.
[These pix are all over on my yaFro site if you can't see them here.]
Hey, that's Spoon Man in that picture. He used to live in PT. Arlis, I think is his realy name. Cool dude, and cool photos, cool fossildude!
Which one is Spoonman? I used to buy things from him at Bumbershoot and Folklife! I still have a great windchime me made from spoons and forks. It's totally cool!
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