Saturday, July 01, 2006

So how has your day gone?

My day has gone fairly well .... and I suppose I owe a small tip of the hat to the U.S. Coast Guard for that. They provided security for the ferry trip to Seattle this morning and half of the way back to Bremerton this afternoon. I am a little curious about that half way back business .... I have a sneaking hunch they drifted back to Elliott Bay and escorted the Bainbridge Ferry .... got all those rich folks home safely and left us hill-billy Bremertonians to fend for ourselves. That's what it felt like. For a trip and a half no other boat dared look sideways, or point its bow, at the ferry .... then suddenly the Coast Guard vanishes and all the small boats start doing as they please (more or less). A couple pointed their bows in our direction and I DID think, "Oh - oh, are they starting a suicide run at the ferry?"

With Bookworm gone off to Port Townsend with her many female cousins for three whole days of whooping it up, I am having to fend for myself. Which is easier than fending for myself and Bookworm. And far easier than fending for myself, Bookworm, and Allie. Maybe this is what's called a vacation. I've been dining on potato salad and dark beer, watching dreadful movies and Mariner's games and today did another walkabout in Seattle with my camera. Came home with 215 pix on the camera and had 115 left after my first run-thru edit. And I had a wonderful white chocolate mocha from Tullys. I call that a good day.

But now what! Evening draws nigh. I've made no dinner plans. I do have two more bad movies rented and it is only ninety more minutes before the next Mariner's game. Perhaps I'll survive. I shall dine on Fat Free Pringles, Braeburn apples, and sourmash whiskey. Three food groups -- vegetables, fruits, and grains. And peach yogurt for a ballgame snack. Dieting can be fun if you push the envelope.

Yes, you did go to a game instead of me. I agree...while I'm not the biggest baseball fan, TV is better than live, though the close seats were better.

I finally figured out your photo website. Twas' my mistake. Great photos...great camera!

We're have tabouli on a bed of lettuce for dinner. Ann's been cooking up a storm in our new kitchen! If we knew you were going to be in town, we would have invited you over for an early time! We're just a 10-15 minute bus ride up the you could get some great shots on the bus!
What I actually had for dinner was a bowlfull of mini shredded wheats, Cherrios, GrapeNuts, Wheaties, a diced up banana and a couple dozen blueberries.

What was it that you figured out about the photo site? Brown Shoes seemed to be having the same problem getting in. Please share the secret word!

I did watch the game ... until they fell way, way behind. I'm a man of little faith when my chosen teams fall seriously in arrears. But I had it on the radio here in the computer room and when I heard them crawling back into contention, I trotted back downstairs to the TV and had a whiskey and an apple.
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