Friday, March 02, 2007

Dear Anonymous from Chicago:

I thank you for the message you left on my previous posting. Your imagined description of me is not one I would have thought of, but is one I'll happily embrace. And it's great to know that there are unexpected people out there that are pulling for me. Thanks!

The next significant date on my trek towards a definitive diagnosis will be March 20th .... at which time I will hand myself over to the local medical gods for some serious poking and prying. The thorasic surgeon I saw yesterday provided a better reason for hope. He said there were things other than cancer that could cause the cat scanned condition .... and that an asbestos related cancer was not the only option. He also said they see a considerable number of people who have an asbestos caused plural disease (which would duplicate my shortness of breath symptom), but which is not cancer. So Bookworm and I left feeling that the odds had shifted somewhat in our favor.

'Tough old guy with a heart the size of Montana' ... circa 1938

It is snowing outside. So far none of it is sticking.

Just before the biopsy, we will be going out to the ocean for our annual long, long weekend of cooking up a storm with two other couples (NoApology's parents and another couple). I fear I will have to retire as one of the main chefs and I will probably have to curtail my kite flying, but I'm just damn glad to be going at all.

Today is pajama day at Brownsville Elementary and tomorrow is grandson Allie's 7th birthday so he wanted to have cupcakes at school to celebrate. Earlier, we were walking up to the school bus stop (he in his Superman PJs) and he asked about the cupcakes. I said that his Mom would be bringing them by the school later in the morning. He looked down at the sidewalk and with a sigh, said "Oh, my dear god!"

I know he loves his Mom above all others .... but he doesn't really seem to trust her to get with the program when it comes to the scheduled events of his life out in the world.
I love you, FossilGut! You have renewed my faith in many things, chief among them that prayer works, but also in grandparents and wonderous little boys (those in black and white photos from the ions and those in Superman PJs).

KEEP BREATHING! See you next weekend...for writing and PIE!
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