Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Four Cows Facing in One Direction

How often, when you gaze out into a field, or a pasture, or a barren wasteland, do you see four cows all facing in one direction? What are the chances of that? A thousand to one? Three to one?

I have no idea. But being as how I took this shot of one of the windchimes slowly disintegrating under the eaves of our back porch ... and published it here ... I thought it would be nice if I could somehow weave it into the fabric of this posting. So I strong-armed it into the position of being symbolic of "So what are the chances of that?"

Last evening I got a phone call from an old shipyard friend (Mike). He and I had been apprentices together in the Pipe Shop at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. A dozen years later, we both managed to get transferred to the Design Division where greasy coveralls became a rare item of required dress. We were both 'drafted' into a small select group of engineers and technicians that took on the Navy's SUBSAFE portion of the shipyard's first submarine overhaul (this was after we lost the Thresher and the Scorpion and SUBSAFE was a systems upgrading to hopefully prevent future similar losses of subs and men).

Anyway, Mike called to tell me that he had received word that one of our old supervisors had died this past weekend. And then he made the mistake of saying "And how are you?"

Ha! I 'had' him! Bombshell time!

"Not so good, Mike," I responded. "I'm scheduled for a lung biopsy on the 20th."

"Oh, really!" he came back. "I'm scheduled for a lung biopsy tomorrow morning at 9:30."

Damn! I had him in a one-up corner and he escaped!

"So who's doing yours?" he asks.

"A Dr. Adams."

"Oh, he's doing mine too."

Turns our Mike is getting the same thing I am ... first down the throat, and if nothing is found, then in through the chest with the camera thingie. The only difference we came up with was that he initially went to the doctor because of a cough and I went because of a shortness of breath.

So what are the chances of that? Given our background, about the same chance as seeing four cows facing in one direction when a coyote trots into view.

Good blog. Tomorrow, my dear, you will have to tell the rest of the story.

Stay tuned, folks. You ain't heard nothing yet.
Dearest Fossil Gut
If you weren't a cowboy,
but an Indian instead, then
'4 cows facing in one direction' might be a suitable name for you -
intimating plentitude, facing forward, good solid stock and more than a little mystery.
I send my love and prayers each and every day....

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