Friday, April 28, 2006

The Gift of Grandchildren

Allie has received all the 'grandchild headlines' here ... because he is handy, local, and here in our home five days a week. There are others, but they live further away and we only get to see them during 'visits' which get fewer and further between as they get older. Clockwise from the upper left, they are: Jessica (Vancouver, WA), Michal (Ferndale, WA), Rachel (South Dakota State University), and Morgan (Woodland, CA).

Over the years they have provided us with many delightful moments of creative madness. Long live grandchildren .... and now it's time to oversee Allie's lunch, help him with his reading homework, and get him prepared for the school bus.
Oh, I'm so glad you posted pics, FossilGuy! Jessica reminds me of myself as a teen: bangs and big eyes peering out over the rim of glasses. Good looking bunch, all of them.
Hey, whatever happened to the Rachel doesn't have a Pancreas story??!!!
That tale remains a mystery to this very day.
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