Tuesday, July 04, 2006

A Long-Legged Sort of Weekend

It has seemed like a weekend with never-ending legs. Here it is Tuesday and it's still the 'weekend' .... AND the Fourth of July!
Bookworm returned Monday noonish from her 'Cousin's Retreat in Port Townsend'. Then, after a few hours rest, we decamped, with noapologies' parents, for a munch and drink evening topped off with fireworks across the bay at Poulsbo -- those North Kitsap Norwegians are inexplicably a day early with their Fourth of July fireworks. The fireworks were a long time coming (10:30 PM) and the breezes were getting brisk and chilly (Bookworm and I were undressed) ... and the tide was coming in briskly and threatening to submerge the spit of land that many of us had settled on in our beach chairs. At that point Bookworm and I abandoned the fireworks at their halfway point and squished our way back to high ground.

This afternoon, we are driving out to 'Mom's' home to spend the Fourth (eating and drinking) with her ... and her husband who is preparing a special Greek appetizer for our delight and we must not arrive much past the appointed hour lest his crackers get soggy! Besides which 'Mom' has made a potato salad at my request, which is becoming traditional being as how Bookworm hates potato salad and refuses to make it .... or, often, to even be in the same room with it.

Truely a weekend with legs! Hope you are all having a good day and experiencing something you can blog about.

I hate potato salad too!

Just for the record...
Your Photo thing is there, and operational!!!
BS & noapologies: I'm suspecting the problem was a temporary glitch with Flickr, rather than with Blogspot.
BS: .... AND I see you opened your own Flickr account so you could comment on my pix. Good move .... comments on the pix are always welcome.
more crows please.

More crows?
Like that crow photo you put up on your new site (a crow atop a wall with a fat Tire beer sign in the background).

The potato salad was better yesterday, or perhaps it was my taste buds. Sometimes when one is cooking, ones taste buds get too much of a good things and go to sleep. Ever noticed that?
Damn! I shoulda ast for a 'doggie bag carry home' on that potato salad. I didn't think of it till I was back past Silverdale.
We thought of it, too, too late. Michel is eating the last of it today and I've taken it in my lunch to work twice. It had long legs, too!
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